Friday, March 2, 2018

Original Post from 5/30/2014

We are wrapping up this fun school year and look forward to our summer camps, scout groups and library programs.  If you haven't booked your program, hurry! Go to the education presentation page and schedule something! If you want to look at our featured summer offerings click here.  A gentle reminder that we can only bring our FREE programs to your group two times in the summer so that we can spread joy and conservation to kids all throughout Hamilton County.  

Thanks to everyone that filled out our online survey this year! It helps us to figure out what's working for YOU, so if you haven't taken it please do so now!  Just click here and have your voice heard.  Congrats to April Black of Hilltop Elementary and Melissa Burns of Sharpsburg Elementary! They both won gardening baskets for their input in the survey.  Last but not least....
If you teach soils or geology and land forms read this:
1. We have two GREAT fall workshops for teachers coming up: a 6th grade soils workshop (date TBD, suggestions welcome) and a Project Underground/geology workshop (October 28th). Flyers coming soon and we hope to see you there. Email Gwen Roth ( or Niki Marengo ( with questions.
2. If you teach soils or (water), please have your students participate next year in the Soil and Water poster and essay contest. The kids really do learn soooo  much and both teacher and student win prizes!! I leave you with this year's winners in the slideshow below.

Have a great summer!!  
Niki Marengo,
Education Assistant

This year's theme made students look closer at soil!

Aran and Joshua, our 3-5th poster and essay contest winners from Symmes Elementary.

3-5th grade poster contest winner, Symmes Elementary, made with actual soils!

 K-2nd grade poster winner

Riley A and teacher Ms. Ashley from Our Lady of Victory.

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