Friday, March 2, 2018

We're Ready for the School year (almost), are you?

Original Post from 8/20/2014

Happy August! 
Are you all still warming up from dumping a bucket of ice water on your head for charity?! Despite the mellow weather (due to that pesky polar vortex sticking around), I know many of us are ready to jump into fall and are looking forward to seeing those kids get back in the learning groove. I know that both Gwen and I (and Muskie the office dog) are excited to work with Hamilton County's finest again this year!   

I wanted to start out our blog by showing you some awesome,  awesome photos of students learning about and playing in the soil from the end of last year.  Teachers: note the augers that the students are using; wouldn't you love to have those for your classroom? Look at the enthusiasm as the students get their hands dirty and do field work with actual soil science tools. Are you ready to bring that excitement to your school? This soil science equipment was purchased by two teachers, Elise Allred of E.H. Greene Elementary and Sheryl Melvin of Mariemont Elementary, with funds used from the Odegard Diebel Grant that our district awards to Hamilton County teachers. We know you all put so much of your own money into your classrooms, let us help you out! It doesn't have to be soil equipment that you buy, it could be any way that you enhance a conservation education experience in your classroom.  Check out the Odegard Diebel Grant page to learn more and even apply online!

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